With social media companies booming in the industry, it has become a common practice for brands to automate their social media posts where they use scheduling …
This article is a continuation of Introduction to Public Debt (Part 01) With the high level of surging public debts the discussions about defaults are rising …
Public debt indicates the amount of outstanding debt instruments that are issued by the government anytime during the past but not yet repaid. (Seater, 2008) …
Your online activities are no longer considered as isolated from your real life personality. This gives rise to a serious issue of managing online reputation …
In analyzing the effects of popular music and its effect on the education of youngsters, culture, race and the identity plays a major role. The preference for …
Identity of youth is another factor affecting the choice of music among youngsters and its impact can be analyzed in following manner. According to Frith, …
The term “Cost Unit” can be defined as a unit of product or service in relation to which costs are ascertained. As an example cost unit for a mobile …
It was shocking to hear that Google bought Motorola Mobility Inc. by paying USD 12.5 Billion which is considered as big money in today’s terms. The trend …
Intraprenurship is a combination of entrepreneurship and management skills. Entrepreneurship is defined as the process of making money, earning profits …
It is true that Sri Lankan brands are making their presence in Twitter at a increasing pace with various means of promotions. It is impressive to have Sri …