Your online activities are no longer considered as isolated from your real life personality. This gives rise to a serious issue of managing online reputation …
Want to see yourself or a stand-in for yourself on your computer screen? Then try using a kind of cyber persona called an avatar. An avatar is either a …
It is true that Sri Lankan brands are making their presence in Twitter at a increasing pace with various means of promotions. It is impressive to have Sri …
This is an addition to the post #FASL – ‘Follow a Sri Lankan’ on Twitter – Let’s Encourage it by @gihangamos. If you have been using Twitter …
“Preface: This post is not intended to carry out any sort of marketing for any organization. It is posted with the intention of explaining the model to … is a URL shortener introduced to support Sri Lankan Social Media Freaks while preserving its value to reflect the true Sri Lankan spirit. There are …
The invention of the Internet has led many businesses into a world, where virtual communication with customers may be the only communication available to them. …
As discussed earlier viral marketing is a form of word of mouth marketing which is carried out using online means. (Click here for the Introduction to …
With the expansion of technology the World Wide Web has inevitably become not only a global source of information, but is also a place for commerce, a market …
Gmail, the email service from Google gets new features often, the latest being the ability to create Rich text signatures. Formerly Gmail signatures were a …