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Multi National Corporations (MNC)

As the name Multi National Companies (MNC) implies MNC is a firm that has a worldwide approach to production and its market or a firm which has its operations …

Design Patterns : Singleton

Motivation It is important for some classes to have exactly one instance. As an example although there can be many printers in a system, there should be only …

Design Patterns : Chain of Responsibility

Motivation Object-oriented developers strive to keep object loosely coupled, keeping the responsibility between objects specific and minimal.. This leads to …

Design Patterns : Factory Method

Motivation As a class developer, you will ordinarily provide class constructors to let users of your class instantiate it. However, a client that needs an …

Design Patterns : Decorator pattern

Intent Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to sub-classing for extending functionality. …

Design Patterns : Strategy pattern

Motivation There are situations where the classes differ only by their behaviour, and on such situations it is advisable to isolate the algorithms into …

What is a Deadlock?

According to Coffman deadlock refers to a specific condition when two or when more processes are each waiting for each other to release a resource, or more …

Theories of Inflation and its Economic Consequences

Since it’s specifically difficult to identify the reasons for or factors that contribute to inflation, many theories and concepts have been introduced for …