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Forms of Business Organizations : Sole Proprietorship

Sole Proprietorship is a form of business organization where a business is formed with the knowledge and the capital of one person. In other words sole …

Characteristics of Money

In past people used barter system (exchange goods for goods) [Click here to visit the article on barter economy] to obtain goods and services. But with …

Functions of Money

“Money” is a word which holds a huge buzz in a current world as it said that money dominates the world. In simple terms Money is anything that can …

Demand for Money

People may demand money for different purposes. Some may demand money to buy goods, some may want to save money in bank where as some may want to invest money …


Privatization is a process by which the government sells off the public property/government’s stake in a company with the expectation of generating more …

Foreign Direct Investments (FDI)

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is a strategy where the firm directly sets up a manufacturing plant or business operation in a foreign country as a fully …

Foreign Business Entry Strategies

There are many entry strategies used by firms to enter new foreign markets as a part of their growth process and some of those strategies are: Exporting …

Implications of Fall in Interest Rates

Fall in interest rates can have 02 major  implications on any organization: Fall in investment revenue- Any organization has additional  income sources by …

Pros and Cons of Issuing and Buying Financial Bonds

Bond is source of finance which is obtained for more than one year period. Bonds can be traded before the maturity and bondholders are considered to be secured …

Types of Financial Bonds

Bond is source of finance which is obtained for more than one year period. Bonds can be traded before the maturity and bondholders are considered to be secured …